Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Mary Ann Nibbs 1846 - 1925


Mary Ann Nibbs 1846-1925 was the eldest daughter of William Nibbs and Mary Ann Timoney.
She married Angus Lamont in 1864 and they had twelve children.
After Angus passed away, Mary Ann married William Turner in 1911.

Mary Ann Nibbs - born 21 June 1846 (Longford, Tas.) – died 2 March 1925 (Lilydale, Tas.) Age 52
Burial: Lilydale Cemetery, Tasmania.

There are several newspaper references -
In: Trove Digitised Newspapers, National Library Australia.
The North Western Advocate and Emu Bay Times, Tas. Monday 27 August 1906 - DEVONPORT.
A private letter received from Melbourne on Saturday reported the serious illness of Mrs. Angus Lamont, who for fully 40 years was a resident in the Mersey district. She was on a visit to her daughter in Melbourne and went to a dentist to have some teeth extracted, which operation was followed by extensive bleeding. The unfortunate lady was in the Melbourne Hospital for two hours before it was stopped, and when brought home the bleeding recommenced, and it was an hour before the doctor stopped the terrible drain on her system, and she was in & weak condition when the letter was written. She had been visited by the Revs G. J. Mackay and W. E. Secomb, the former Baptist and Methodist ministers of Devonport. Mr. Secomb, by the way, is suffering from an attack of acute influenza, an ailment very prevalent in the Victorian capital.

Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas.) Tuesday 27 Nov 1917
Mrs. W. J. Turner, of Scottsdale, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Ray, of Devonport East. Mrs. Turner's health has not been at all satisfactory for the last few months, and her family and friends hope that the trip will improve her health. Mrs. Turner (better known as Mrs. Lamont) has seen- many old friends during the short time she has been in Devonport, her former home. The severe climate or the conditions of Scottsdale have never suited Mrs. Turner. She has never been well since she settled there. It is hoped a month's change will have the desired effect.

Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas.) Saturday 7 February 1925 - Our Country Service – Lilydale
There passed away at Lilydale on Monday one of the oldest pioneers of the North-West Coast, in the person of Mrs. William Turner. The deceased lady was in her 80th year, and had been suffering for about nine months. Mrs. Turner was a daughter of Mr. William Nibbs, one of the earliest settlers on the North-West Coast, and was first married to the late Mr. Angus Lamont of Castra. The major part of her life was spent at Devonport, and 20 years ago, on the death of her first husband, Mrs. Lamont and her son removed to Lefroy. Upon her second marriage to Mr. W Turner they resided in Scottsdale for about twelve years, lately removing to Lilydale. Mrs. Turner was a devoted member of the Methodist Church. Her remains were laid to rest in the Lilydale Cemetery. The Rev. Fletcher officiated at the service in the home and also at the grave. The chief mourners were her husband Mr. Turner, Mr. Lamont (son), Mrs. J Will (daughter), Mesdames Thos. Ray, J Foley (sisters), Mr. J Nibbs (brother), Mrs. G Bullock (granddaughter), Mrs. F Rooke, Mrs. C Lamont and Mr. B W Turner. The deceased lady had twelve children by her first marriage, and all but two predeceased her. Mrs. J Will of Launceston, and Mr. C Lamont of Lefroy. She also leaves twenty grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Examiner (Launceston, Tas.) Friday 6 February 1925, page 7 - Woman’s World – About Women
One of the earliest pioneers of the Castra Road district passed away on Monday last when the death occurred of Mrs. W Turner of Lilydale. She had lived in several parts of Tasmania and consequently had a wide and numerous circle of friends. The late Mrs. Turner was born at Westbury 77 years ago and was the eldest daughter of the late William Nibbs, a local preacher in the Methodist Church at Westbury. In her girlhood her parents moved to Devonport, where she was married to the late Mr. Angus Lamont, who died some 20 years ago. From Devonport the couple went to Castra Road which was then in the nature of a dense forest. At this time there were only six other families in the district and the couple saw the locality gradually open up into a prosperous farming district as the years advanced. It was in the Lamont home that the Methodist minister used to conduct divine service in the district, the Lamont’s having been devout adherents to that faith all their lives. Many interesting stories she related in later years of the hardships and even adventures connected with pioneering in the early days. After having lived in Castra for several years she returned to Devonport and subsequently to Lefroy, where she is widely remembered today. At Lefroy she was married to Mr. Turner and subsequently lived at Scottsdale, and finally at Lilydale. She leaves her family of the first Marriage, Mrs. J H Will, of Cleveland Road, Launceston and Mr. C L Lamont of Lefroy. She is survived also by Mr. Turner and his grown-up family, Captain Frank Turner in the Salvation Army in Queensland, and Benjamin (Lilydale), Norman (Scottsdale), and Edgar (Wynyard), Mrs. Reeves and Miss Vera Turner (both of Lilydale). The funeral took place at Lilydale on Wednesday, Rev. J S Fletcher of Lilydale conducting the service. There was a large and representative cortege, and many beautiful floral tributes showed how deeply Mrs. Turner’s death was lamented.

Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) Wednesday 4 February 1925
Information reached Devonport on Monday of the passing away at Lilydale that morning of Mrs. W Turner in her 80th year. The major part of her long life had been spent in the Mersey District; she was the daughter of the late Mr. W Nibbs, one of the earliest residents of the district. Her first husband was the late Mr. Angus Lamont; she had twelve children all but two have predeceased her. The two survivors are Mrs. Joseph Will, of Launceston (whose late husband was associated with the Hercules Mine), and Mr. Claude Lamont of Lefroy. Mrs. Lamont was a sister to Mesdames T Ray and John Foley of East Devonport, and Messrs. J L and T H Nibbs. The deceased lady had been ailing for some time. Mrs. Ray found her conscious when she arrived at Lilydale on Friday night, the sufferer passing peacefully away on Monday morning. Mrs. Lamont was an earnest member of the Methodist Church, and her memory will be held in remembrance by a large circle of friends. Her remains were laid to rest at Lilydale.

Spouse 1: Angus Lamont
27 September 1836 (Kilmuir, Isle of Skye, Scotland) d 7 Jan 1902 (West Devonport, Tas.)
Son of Coll Lamont 1800-1855 and Mary Ross 1797 -1855 (Scotland)
He arrived in Tasmania on the ship Broomielaw 31 March 1857 under a Scottish Immigration Scheme and was accompanied by 3 of his sisters and 2 brothers-in-law. Catherine (Mrs Duncan McPherson), Margaret (Mrs Simon Stewart) and Christina Lamont (later, Mrs Henry Dolbell). They first lived in the Port Sorell district and later took up land at Castra Road, Sprent, near Ulverstone. There is a no. of family graves in the Sprent Methodist Cemetery on Castra Road.

Marriage: 27 September 1864 at Port Sorrell, Tas. in the dwelling house of [his brother-in-law] Henry Dolbel, River Mersey District, Tas.
Mary Ann Nibbs (house servant) Angus Lamont (farmer)
Minister: Walter Mathison (Congregational Minister).
Witnesses: Duncan McPherson; Emma Munday

OBITUARY. MR. ANGUS LAMONT - Examiner, Launceston 9 January 1902
. We regret to have to record the death of a respected resident of the N.W. Coast in the person of Mr. Angus Lamont, which took place at his residence, Little Fenton-street, West Devonport, at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday. Mr. Lamont, who was 66 years of age, arrived in Tasmania in 1861 in the Broomielaw, in company with Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, his youngest sister (Miss C. Lamont), and a number of others, from Ayrshire, Scotland. After travelling throughout Tasmania, Mr. Lamont finally settled in the Castra district, having taken up a selection of land adjoining those of his three brothers-in-law, Messrs. McPherson, Stewart, and Dolbell. For some 14 years he carried on farming and contracting in that district, afterwards removing to Latrobe, where for some years he continued road contracting. Mr. Lamont visited most of the mining centres in Tasmania, and in some of the other states. With his family he has resided at Devonport for some years. Whilst with his sister, Mrs. McPherson, of Sprent, he took suddenly and seriously ill, and medical aid being obtained he was advised to go to Launceston, which he did, staying with his daughter, Mrs. Will, where he was treated by Drs. Webster and Cotterell for some internal complaint. The doctors holding out no hope of his recovery, Mrs. Lamont took him home, where Dr. Smith, of Devonport, attended him. Mr. Lamont expressed a wish to have his family with him on Christmas Day, and his wish was gratified. His five [surviving] children, ten grandchildren, and one son-in-law, together with his daughter-in-law, were present, the only members absent being Mr. George Bullock, of Epping, and Mr. Thos. Plummer, of Strahan. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Lamont and the family in their bereavement. The funeral takes place this afternoon at three o'clock.

The North Western Advocate and Emu Bay Times, Tas. Thursday 9 January 1902 - DEVONPORT.
Another old resident has joined the great majority — Mr. Angus Lamont, who passed peacefully away at West Devonport on Tuesday night. He was well known in the surrounding district, having lived in various portions over 80 years, and latterly had been working at Castra and Rosebery, and it is possible that the privations he endured in the latter district developed and aggravated the malady which finally overcame his hardy Scotch frame. He went to Launceston some time since, where at the house of his daughter, Mrs. J. Wills, he was attended by no less than six doctors, who pronounced his case hopeless, and shortly before Christmas he returned to his home to die; the end coming as above stated. He leaves a widow, two sons, and three daughters, for whom the utmost sympathy is felt; one son and daughter having previously succumbed to consumption, and another was accidentally drowned in the Mersey. The funeral will take place to-day at 8.30, the. Place of interment being the general cemetery, East Devonport.

The North-West Post (Formby, Tas.) Thursday 9 January 1902
It is with regret that we announce the death of Mr. Angus Lamont, an old and much respected resident of Devonport. Mr. Lamont who was 66 years of age, died at his residence on Tuesday evening, after an illness of over three months, the cause of death being an internal complaint. The deceased gentleman was born in Ayrshire, Scotland and came to Tasmania 42 years ago in the ship Broomielaw, bringing with him his three sisters and their husbands. They all settled at Castra, where Mr. Lamont carried on farming and contracting for 14 years. On leaving Castra he went to Latrobe, where he did a large amount of road contracting for the Government. He married Miss Nibbs, daughter of a well-known identity Mr. William Nibbs at what was then called Torquay, and was the father of 12 children, five of whom survive him. They are Mrs. Bunton and Mrs. Will of Launceston, Mrs. Bullock of Epping Forest, Mr. Angus Lamont of the s.s. Kamona, and Mr. Claude Lamont. The deceased gentleman was widely known throughout Tasmania and the new of his death will be received with genuine regret. Dr. Smith attended the sufferer at Devonport, while medical aid was also obtained at Launceston and Ulverstone. The funeral leaves his residence for East Devonport this afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Obituary: Mrs. Dolbell (Angus Lamont’s sister – Christina) - [Angus and Mary were married at their home].
Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) Tuesday 7 August 1923
The funeral of the late Mrs. Dolbell took place on Sunday afternoon the Methodist Cemetery, Castra Road. There was a very large attendance, the burial service being read by the Rev. H Clarke, the hymn “A Day’s March Nearer Home,” was sung, the request that this be done having been made by deceased before her death. The chief mourners were Messrs. Angus McPherson; Angus, Alexander and Simon Stewart (nephews) and Elvyn Dolbel (grandson). The pall bearers were Messrs. G Bingham, J McDonald, T W Wright and Alex. McLaren. A number of beautiful wreaths were placed on the coffin. The deceased lady was born in Portsea, Isle of Skye, in the year 1840, and arrived in Tasmania in 1857 with her brother, Mr. Angus Lamont, and two sisters, the late Mrs. D Stewart and Mrs. Duncan McPherson, mother of Mr. Angus McPherson (member of the Leven Harbor Trust). She remained at Launceston and Torquay for some time until 1865, when having married the late Mr. Henry Philip Dolbell, they removed to Sprent, and took up the homestead. At the time, they entered upon the life of pioneers there was practically no road – only a track made by paling carts. Here the late Mrs. Dolbell had to confront all the difficulties which beset those who first opened the now fertile lands of Leven, and in this struggle, she earned the esteem and appreciation of all who knew her. They had seven daughters and three sons, of whom only one daughter survives.

Funeral: Examiner Launceston 15 January 1907
SPRENT – The funeral of the late Mrs Simon Stewart (Margaret Lamont) took place on Saturday afternoon, when the remains were laid to rest in the Castra Wesleyan Cemetery. The remains were followed by a large concourse of friends.

Children of Mary Ann Nibbs and Angus Lamont:

Mary Elizabeth 27 Sept 1865 (Port Sorrell, Tas.) – 27 August 1918 (Launceston, Tas.) aged 52.
Annie Timony 1868 (Port Sorrell, Tas.) – 26 Sept 1944 /5? (Launceston, Tas.)
Flora Margaret 18 March 1869 (Port Sorrell, Tas.) –28 June 1921 (Railton, Tas.)
Coll 2 Feb 1871 (Port Sorrell, Tas.) – 17 March 1871 (Pt. Sorrell, Tas.)
William Francis 19 Jan 1872 (Pt Sorrell, Tas.) -12 Sept 1895 (Pt. Frederick, Tas.)
John Thomas 29 May 1874 (Pt. Sorrell, Tas.) – 15 Sept 1896 (Pt Frederick, Tas.)
Angus 15 Sept 1876 (Pt. Sorrell, Tas.) – 1919
Christina Catherine McPherson 8 March 1879 (Pt. Sorrell) -1898 (Torquay, Tas.)
Claude Henry Linton 30 December 1881 (Latrobe, Pt. Sorrell, Tas.) -9 June 1954 (Tas.)
Alice Jessie 10 June 1884 (Pt. Sorrell, Tas.) -18 June 1884 (Pt. Sorrell, Tas.)
Clement Norman 30 October 1885 (Pt. Sorrell, Tas.) -8 November 1893 (Pt. Frederick, Tas.)
Another child unknown. 12 children mentioned in obituaries.

Spouse 2: William James Turner 6 Sept 1862 (Morven, Tas.) – 3 May 1940 (Launceston, Tas.)
Buried: Lilydale Cemetery, Tasmania.
Married 1911
William Turner had a grown-up family from a previous marriage. (Etheline, Elven, Benjamin, Frank, Norman, Edgar, Vera)
Residences: Scottsdale and Lilydale, Tasmania

Funeral: Turner: the funeral of the late Mr William James Turner is appointed to leave the Salvation Army Hall, Galvin St, Launceston, this day (Saturday May 4) at 2.30 o’clock, arriving at the Lilydale Cemetery about 3.30 O’clock for interment. Friends are invited to attend.

Obituary: Mr. W J Turner
Mr. W J Turner who died in Launceston on Friday at the age of 78 was buried at Lilydale on Saturday. The late Mr Turner was at one time prominently connected with the Methodist Church at Lilydale and was also YP Sgt-Major in the Salvation Army.
In earlier years he was a nurseryman in the Hadspen district and in other places a noted gardener. At the time of his death he was Envoy in the Salvation Army at Sth. Launceston. Prior to this he was connected with the Army at Scottsdale and Derby. He was of quiet disposition.
A service was conducted in the Salvation Army Hall at Sth. Launceston by Adjutant Jewell, Corps Officer.
When the cortege reached Lilydale, it was preceded to the Lilydale Cemetery by the South Launceston Salvation Army Band . The service at the graveside was conducted by Adjutant Jewell, assisted by Adjutant Millward of Lilydale. Adjutant Jewell paid high tribute to the life of service lived by Envoy Turner.
Among those present at the funeral were the four sons, Messrs. Ben (Derby,) Norman (Branxholme), Walter (Devonport) and Edgar (Launceston), Mr Ben Turner (brother) and Mr. A L Reeve (son-in-law).


About Children of Mary Ann Nibbs and Angus Lamont

1. Mary Elizabeth Lamont 1865-1918

Spouse: Joseph Claude Bunton 1859 (Longford, Tas.) - 2 Dec 1938 (New Zealand)
Son of Joseph Bunton and Julia Hennessey. He had 7 brothers and one sister.
Married 21 Nov 1883 at Port Sorrell, Tas. Aged 18 years
Divorced or separated.
There are no known children

The North Western Advocate and Emu Bay Times, Tas. Friday 30 August 1918
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Bunton, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Angus Lamont, of Devonport, took place in the East Devonport general cemetery yesterday. The deceased died in Launceston, and the remains were brought down by the morning train, and immediately afterwards the hearse proceeded to the place of interment. The immediate mourners were the aged mother and stepfather (Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner, of Scottsdale) brother (Mr. Claude Lamont), sister (Mrs. Bullock), and Messrs. J. L. and T. H. Nibbs and T. Ray (uncles), with other relations. The carriers were the four cousins of deceased, Messrs. G. and T. Howard, Angus and Claude Stewart, whilst several old residents were also present to show their respect, which was further exemplified by numerous floral tributes of sympathy.

2. Annie Timony Lamont 1868-1944
Married Joseph Will on 10 August 1892 at Lawrence Vale Methodist Church, Launceston, Tas.

Silver Wedding:
Examiner (Launceston Tas.) Friday 10 August 1917
WILL – LAMONT – on the 10th August 1892 at Lawrence Vale Methodist Church by the Rev J G Wheen, Joseph, eldest son of the late Alexander Will, Montrose, Scotland to Annie Timony, second daughter of the late Angus Lamont, Kirriemuir, Scotland. Present address: Kirriemuir, Welman Street.

0bituary Mrs Annie Will
The Mercury (Hobart, Tas.) Friday 29 Sept 1944
The death of. Mrs Annie T. Will took place at Launceston on Tuesday. She was the wife of the late Joseph Will, well known in mining circles some years ago. She was born at Castra, and was the second daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Angus Lamont, pioneer settlers of the district.
For 51 years Mrs Will resided in Launceston. Four daughters survive, namely. Mrs E. Bragg (Sydney), Mrs R K. Hingston (Launceston), Mrs W. N Orchard (Adelaide), and Mrs A. E. Masters (Launceston).
The private funeral took place at Carr Villa yesterday. Services at the home and graveside were conducted by the Rev R. V. Merritt. Chief mourners were Sgt and Mrs R K. Hingston and Sig [Signaller]and Mrs A. E. Masters, sons-in-law and daughters.
Funeral arrangements were by Armitage and Armitage.

Examiner (Launceston, Tas.) Friday 29 September 1944
The death of Mrs Annie T Will occurred at her son-in-law’s home, 26 Malabar Street, Launceston on Tuesday night after a severe illness.
Mrs Will was the widow of the late Joseph Will, well known in mining circles some years ago. She was born at Castra and was the second daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Angus Lamont who were the seventh pioneer settlers of that district. For 51 years Mrs Will resided in Launceston. She was predeceased by her two sons – Captain J Hercules Will, 12th Batt (Original) A.I.F and John. Four daughters survive her – Eleanor (Mrs Bragg, Sydney), Ila (Mrs R K Hingston, Launceston), Flora (Mrs W N Orchard, Adelaide) and Katherine (Mrs A E Masters, Launceston). A lover of flowers, Mrs Will gardened up to a short time before her death.
The private funeral took place at Carr Villa Cemetery yesterday. Services at the home and graveside were conducted by Rev. R V Merritt. Chief mourners were – Mesdames J Hingston and K Masters (daughters), and Sgt R K Hingston, A.I.F, and Sig. A E Masters (sons-in-law).

Spouse: Joseph Will b. 1858 Craig, Forgarshire, Scotland
Son of Alexander Will 1826 (Scotland)- 31 May 1882 (Beaconsfield, Tas.) and Ann Traill 1834 (Scotland) -24 July 1907 (Lefroy, Tas.) He had one brother and 2 sisters.

Residences: 1861 Fettercairn, Kincardineshire, Scotland. [Joseph]
1869 George Town, Tas.
1893 Lefroy, Tas. [Annie and Joseph]
1914 Launceston Central, Bass, Tas.
1919 18 Welman Street Launceston Central, Bass, Tas.
1922 Launceston Central, Bass, Tas.
1928 – 1936 – 1937 - 1943 Launceston East, Bass, Tas.

Children of Annie Timoney Lamont and Joseph Will

Eleanor Ann Will b 10 May 1893 (Lefroy, Tas.)- 1976 (Sydney, NSW)
Married John Frederick Bragg (1899-1971) at Newtown, Sydney in 1923. He was the son of Frederick Elliot Bragg and Mildred Mary Andrew. He was injured in France Dec 1918 whilst serving in the AIF in WW1 and had his right leg amputated below the knee (Service record available online).
At various times they lived in Sydney and rural NSW Forbes and Mudgee.
They had a son – Ross Frederick Joseph Bragg 23 May 1926 (NSW) – 21 Feb 2011 (Winmalee, NSW). Ross was married to Joyce Patricia Waugh (1925-29 Mar 2000) and they had 2 sons Peter and David Bragg.

Joseph Hercules 19 May 1896 (Launceston, Tas.) – 10 Dec. 1934 (Hobart, Tas.)
Capt. 12th Battalion AIF. Awarded Military Medal Nov. 1916 He served at Gallipoli Mar 2015 and France 1916-17. World War 1 Service record available online. Name on Launceston Roll of Honour.
Joseph returned to Australia in 1917 suffering shell shock the effects of gas and a heart condition. He died in a fall from a horse after suffering a heart attack at Kempton, Tas. Details in Mercury Hobart, 21 Dec 1934 p.6 An inquest found he died an accidental death
Married 1920 in Victoria to Madge Gertrude Carter b 4 October 1899 d 24 October 1961. Daughter of Grace (buried at Cornelian Bay Cemetery 31 Oct 1954) and Arthur Carter.
Electoral Roll. 1914 Joseph Hercules at Zeehan.
1922 and 1928 Tas. Franklin/Clarence J H Will 9 Wellington Rd Lindisfarne, clerk with Madge Gertrude home duties.
1936 and 1937 Madge Gertrude 164 Elizabeth St, Dennison, Hobart Central, h.duties
1943 Betty Devanan Will 18 Norfolk Cres. Franklin,Typist with Madge Gertrude, Home duties.
Possibly had a daughter Betty (Elizabeth) Devanan Will but no further records found to date.

John 17 July 1897 (Launceston, Tas.) –
Served in WW1?

Annie Ila Will b. Abt. 1900 (Launceston, Tas.) –10 October 1982 (Ulverstone, Tas.)
Aust. Death Index Memorial inscription reads: Siege of Tobruk Memorial – Ulverstone, Tobruk Park War Memorial – Ulverstone – Devonport – UL 19/0013
Spouse 1: George Bullock 1870 - 1930
Children: 1. Dorothy Ila Bullock 2 March 1922 (Tas.) -13 August 1993 (South Australia)
m. Alan Richard Penver 1911 (Nhill, Vic.)- 1985 (Sth. Aust.)
They had 4 children.
2. Colin George Bullock 1926 (Launceston, Tas. -2006
He served in the RAAF Citizen Air Force 1947
Service No. 89003 record available online.

Spouse 2: Roy Kenneth Hingston b. 18 Nov 1908 in Launceston. He was the son of Edmund Tasman Hingston and Sarah Margaret Walker of Motema, Tas.
He served in Middle East (Seige of Tobruk) and New Guinea in WWII. His service record is available online
Children: Joe
Names taken from Memorial inscription.
Electoral Roll: 1936 55 Wright Street, Devonport East with Roy Kenneth Hingston, labourer
1943 Annie Ila Hingston 23 Clementina St. Launceston East, h duties.
1944 23 Clementina St. Launceston East with Roy Kenneth, soldier.

Flora Lamont b. 1903 (Launceston, Tas.) -1975 (Burwood, Vic.)
Spouse: William N Orchard 1900 Launceston, Tas. – 1948 (Sth. Aust.)
Marriage - In: Mercury (Hobart, Tas.) Tuesday 3 December 1929.
ORCHARD-WILL On 19th October at Christ Church, Longford by the Rev T J Gibson, William Norman, second youngest son of the late A W and Mrs Orchard of The Palms, 4 Maitland St, Launceston to Flora Lamont, second youngest daughter of the late Joseph and Mrs Will of Kerrimuir, 5 Monds St, Launceston.
Electoral Rolls: 1928 Tas. Bass, Launceston East. Flora Lamont 5 Sadler Street, dental nurse with her mother Annie T Lamont.
1936 and 1943 Tas. Launceston. 1 Mary Street, Flora Lamont Orchard with William Norman, bank clerk
1968 and 1972 Victoria. Camberwell Nth. Flora Lamont Orchard 15 Maling Road (on her own)
NSW Police Gazette 1928 Mentioned with her brother in law John Bragg (desertion) at Forbes.

Katherine Jean b Abt 1905 – 1999 Tasmania
Married Alan Ewan Masters 1907 (Launceston) -6 November 1977 (Tas.)
Son of Alfred Harold Masters and Alice Weymouth, Trevallyn, Tas.
Buried Bishopsbourne Nativity Anglican Cemetery, Longford. Photo of headstone online – No family names.
Last Will and Testament named wife Katherine Jean Masters and daughter Jennifer Jean Masters. Residence: 18 Dynnyrne Rd, Hobart. Occupation Tas. Hydro Elec. Commission Employee.
Served WW2.
1936: 326 Malabar St Katherine Jean Will, shop asst. with Annie Timony Will, home duties.
1937 Launceston East: 26 Malabar St Katherine Jean, home duties and Alan Ewan Masters, electrician.
1943 Launceston East. 26 Malabar St. Katherine Jean H.d and Alan Ewan, soldier.
Child: Jennifer Jean Masters 1949-1977 (Tasmania). Cause of death – Hepatitis.
Occupation - Nurse


3. Flora Margaret Lamont 1869-1921
18 March 1869 (Gawler, Tas.) – 28 June 1921 (Railton, Tas.)
Married 3 July 1889 at Cullenswood, Fingal, Tas.
In: Daily Telegraph, Launceston. Friday 5 July 1889 p.2
BULLOCK – LAMONT: On the 3rd July at Cullenswood Church, by the Rev. Charles L’Oste, George, eldest son of Mr George Bullock of St. Mary’s, to Flora M third daughter of Mr. Angus Lamont of Torquay.

In Examiner Launceston Wednesday 29 June 1921 p.1.
BULLOCK – On the 28th June at “Station House” Railton Junction. Flora Margaret, wife of George Bullock, after a long and painful illness. At rest.

Spouse: George Cecil Bullock 6 April 1870 (Clairville Tas.) – 17 April 1932 (Hobart, Tas.)
Son of George Morgan Bullock and Josephine Rose Maney, ‘Rosegarland’ St. Mary’s.
Flora and George had 8 children. When Flora died, George married their niece, Annie Ila Will and had another two children with her.

Electoral Rolls: 1914 Tas. Wilmot, Evandale. Flora M, home duties with George, Stationmaster.
1919 Tas., Franklin, Brighton Junction. Flora M home duties with George, Stationmaster
Occupation: Tasmanian Railways – 44 years.
Death Notice.
In: Examiner, Launceston. Monday 18 April 1932, p.1.
BULLOCK – On April 17 1932 at Hobart, George Bullock, dearly loved husband of Annie Ila Bullock, of Bridgewater. For 44 years with the Tasmanian Govt. Railways.
FUNERAL – Carr Villa Cemetery, Launceston

Children of Flora Margaret Lamont and George Bullock

Children: Cecil Claude Lamont 2 April 1891(Oatlands, Tas.) – 1953 (Fitzroy, Vic.)
Railway employee, suffered a crushed hand.
Several mentions in Victorian Police Gazette – d & d, desertion of wife, Ruby Pearl Bullock.
Child: Melva Bullock 1917-1935
Electoral rolls 1913-1936 show various Victorian residences in Bridgewater near Bendigo, Goornong, Kilmore Fitzroy, Heidelberg and Preston.

Horace Norman 22 July 1892 (Pt. Frederick)-1939
Married Ethel May James 1893-1921 in Tasmania 1913.
Electoral Rolls show various Tasmanian addresses and occupation as a Railway employee.
Child: Molly (Margaret) Gwendoline – school teacher.

Clara [Edna] Mary Ross 23 Sept 1893 (Ringarooma, Tas.)- 24 Mar 1894 (age 6 months)

Muriel Evelyn 4 December 1894 (Pt. Frederick, Tas.)-
Married Norman Oscar Royle (1894-1954) in 1917
Children: Allan James Royle 1923-1998 (Timberworker) Served WW2.
Maurice Oscar Royle (1920-1956 (Grocer)
Beverley Elizabeth Royal b? – 1987
Electoral Rolls; Various addresses 1919-1954. Shows occupation as labourer, bushman and grocer.

Clyde John Gormanston 2 May 1896, (Claremont, Tas.) – 30 July 1965 (Launceston, Tas.)
Served in WWI 3rd Field Ambulance. Dardenelles.
Service No. 2572

Christina Amanda 1901 (Campbell Town, Tas.) - 10 May 1974 (Hobart, Tas.)
Buried Cornelian Bay Cemetery
Spouse 1. Roy Fowler
Spouse 2. Bob McKenzie
Spouse 3. Arthur Oates.

Frank Edward 21 July 1903 (Hagley, Tas.)-25 April 1982 (Tas.)
Railway worker.
Married Marie Kathleen Bryan(1904-1993) in 1929.
Unknown baby 1931-1931
Fay Margaret Bullock 1931-1997 (Kew, Vic.)
Spouse: Dudley Charles Goddard (1931-1986)
Marie ‘Kathleen’ Bullock 1932-2003 (Devonport)
Barry Bullock - 2013
Electoral rolls Tas. Give various addresses between 1928 and 1949 Zeehan, Deloraine, Circular Head. 1949-1972 at Devonport.

Maxwell Percy 15 April 1912 (Launceston, Tas.) -1988 (Launceston, Tas.)
Served WW2 Service No. V4426
Married Maida Ella Jean Thompson -1994 (Launceston, Tas.)
5 children - 2 boys and 3 girls
Electoral rolls 1936 – 1968 Various addresses and occupations. Railway worker, labourer. French polisher, spray painter

4. Coll Lamont 1871-1871
Born 2 February 1871 (Port Sorrell, Tas.) he was named after his paternal grandfather. Coll died in infancy on 17 March 1871 (Port Sorrell, Tas.), aged 6 weeks. Cause of death – Hives.

5. William Francis Lamont 1872-1895

William died by accidental drowning after being swept from a capsized boat in the Mersey River, age 23. His body was not recovered. Death and inquest records are available online (LINC) Tasmanian Archives Portal.

Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas) Monday 16 September 1895
On Thursday evening the community were Shocked to hear that a young man named William Lamont, the oldest son of Mr Angus Lamont, a very old resident of the district, had been drowned, and enquiry proved that the report was, unfortunately, only too true. It appears that the young man, who was 23 years of age, was proceeding with his cousin, George Howard, and a seaman and the cook of the ketch Swift, in the boat of that vessel, across the river, starting from the beach just above the Thomas Street jetty, where the Swift was lying. The cook was sculling the boat, and had hardly left the bank, when the tremendous current carried the boat, over which the sculler seemed to have no power, right under the stern of the ketch, where the boat was capsized in the vortex, and was dashed against the vessel with such force as to be completely smashed. Three of the occupants just escaped with their lives by clinging to the ropes by which the Swift was moored, but poor Lamont was sucked under the ship. It was just getting dark, and he was not seen again, but his hat was recovered floating upon the surface of the water, and pieces of the boat were found on the beach where also on Friday morning his mackintosh was stranded. The deceased was a hard-working, industrious young man, and had been a great help in the support of his family, who are thus so suddenly plunged into the depth of sorrow, and to whom the sympathy of the whole township has gone out in this sad hour of bereavement. On Thursday night a boat was manned, and the little bay leading up to the baths was dragged without result, and on Friday parties were scouring the beach in hopes of recovering his body; but, with the strong current which was running, and the position where the deceased was last seen, it is more likely that he was carried right out to sea. The boat of the Swift, or, rather, one half of it, as it was cut right across, has been picked up. A careful search of the beaches was being made on Friday out to Pardoe Point, and a messenger had also gone on to Port Sorrell.


6. John Thomas Lamont 1874- 1896

Born 29 May 1874 (Port Sorell, Tas.) – 15 Sept 1896 (Devonport, Tas.)
John died of consumption at Port Frederick, Tasmania when he was 22 years old
No marriage or children.

Funeral Notice/Obituaries
Launceston Examiner, Thursday 17 September 1896
The death of a promising young man has to be recorded in the person of Mr. John T Lamont, son of Mr Angus Lamont of East Devonport who has succumbed to consumption, brought on by a cold that he unfortunately neglected. This happened last year while he was engaged at Mount Reid on a contract about which time a great sorrow befell the same family in the death by drowning of Mr William F Lamont. Mr John Lamont was a general favourite, being most gentlemanly in his demeanour. Just budding into manhood, he was an enthusiastic sportsman, a good cricketer, manly footballer, capital pigeon shot – above all a thoroughly good son, having been the chief support of his parents for many a year. Deceased was greatly esteemed by all who know him, and his cheerful face will long be missed on the NW coast. The funeral leaves his parents’ home this afternoon.

Launceston Examiner, Tuesday 22 September 1896
Funeral: The funeral of the late Mr J T Lamont took place on the 17th inst. At East Devonport, when the remains were followed by a large number of relatives and friends. The coffin which was borne by four of the deceased’s friends was covered with tasteful wreathes and crosses, and other tokens of the remembrance, showing in what high esteem he was held. The service was conducted by the Rev. Secomb in a very impressive manner, and Miss Aikin presided at the organ. The chief mourners were the father of the deceased, his two surviving brothers, Messrs. Angus and C H Lamont, his three sisters, Mrs Bunton, Mrs J Will (of Invermay) and Miss Lamont [Christina Katherine McPherson], and Mr J Will (brother-in-law). Much sympathy is expressed for the parents and friends.

7. Angus Lamont 1876-1919

Born on 15 September1876 at Ulverstone. No record of his death has yet been found. However, a newspaper article describing his son’s wedding in 1929 refers to the late Angus Lamont and in the 1928 Electoral Roll his wife is living alone. His found occupation history ends in 1906. In Ancestry, there is an unsubstantiated date of 1919.
1898 - Miner
1899 – Wharf labourer – West Devonport
1901 – 1906 Seaman. Trimmer/Fireman on S.S. Koonya, S.S. Kamona, S.S. Bunninyong, S.S. Kanowna.
Dec 1906 – Labourer Scottsdale line. (Railway)
From many varied articles in Tasmanian newspapers, Angus led a troubled life. As a child he was rescued from drowning and later had many run-ins with the law for disturbing the peace, larceny and drunk and disorderly.

Marriage: 5 June 1898 at Ringarooma, Tas.
Spouse: Margaret Malvina McMahon daughter of John and Elizabeth McMahon, Scottsdale.
b. 5 March 1875 (Pt.Sorell, Tas.) d. 10 April 1951 at her sons’ residence at Lake St. Claire, aged 76.
Buried at Queenstown General Cemetery, Lyell, Burnie LY02/00310
Death: Family notice in the Advocate Burnie on Friday 13 April 1951. p 1,6
“Mother of Arthur John, grandmother of Glendon, Peter and Joan.”

Residences: 1928 - Margaret Malvina Lamont, Deloraine, Wilmot, Tasmania

Children: Arthur John Lamont 1 April 1900 (Pt. Frederick,Tas.) died 10 March 1978 (Hobart, Tas.)
Married Elsie Madge Pinkard, 17 May 1929 (Deloraine, Tas.)
They had three children
Joan Elizabeth, Glendon John and Peter James

In Advocate, (Burnie, Tas.) Thursday 20 June 1929, p 7
A quiet wedding was celebrated by Rev G N Wheaton at the Deloraine Methodist Church on Monday night, the contracting parties being Arthur John only son of Mrs and the late Mr Angus Lamont, and Miss Elsie Madge third daughter of Mr and Mrs Pinkard, Deloraine. The church had been decked out in the colours of the 10th Battalion AIF in which the bridegroom served. The bride and bridegroom during the ceremony stood under a large wedding bell, on either side of which were their initials.
The bride was given away by her father and wore a beautiful travelling dress of blue celanese with a brown felt hat. The ‘Bridal March’ was played by Miss M Wheaton as the bride entered the church, and the congregation sang ’The Voice that brushed o’er Eden.’ While the register was being signed ‘How lovely a Zion’ was rendered. Mendelssohn’s Wedding March being played as the party left the church.
A number of friends were entertained at the breakfast at the home of the bride’s parents. The dining-room decorated with the colours of the 40th Battalion, and pride of place was given to a massive 3-tier wedding cake. The usual toasts and felicitous speeches were honoured.
The bride’s gift to the bridegroom was a gold watch and chain; the bridegrooms gift to the bride being a gold wristlet watch. The happy pair left later on a honeymoon tour on the North West.

Beneficiaries in the will of Arthur John Lamont dated 11 Nov 1976 are Salvation Army Tasmania, Spastic Society Tasmania, and his children Joan Elizabeth Howells, Glendon John Lamont and Peter James Lamont.

8. Christina Catherine McPherson Lamont 1879-1898
- McPherson was her paternal grandmothers maiden name.

Born: 18 March 1879 (Port Sorell, Tas.)
Died 16 September 1898, age 19 and just 4 months after the birth of her son. Cause of death was 1. Nephritis 2. Phthitis 3. Rulitis

Death Notice in the North-West Post (Formby, Tas.) Saturday 17 September 1898. P.2
PLUMMER – On September 16, at her parent’s residence, Wright Street, East Devonport, Christina (Teeny) Catherine MacPherson, dearly loved wife of Thomas H W Plummer and youngest daughter of Angus and Mary Lamont.

Marriage: 18 November 1897 aged 18 at Port Frederick, Tas.
Spouse: Thomas Henry William Plummer (1877-1943) son of Capt. Edward George Plummer and Sarah Sayers
Child: Adrian Angus 8 May 1898 (Port Frederick, Tas.) – 30 January 1899 (Pt. Frederick, Tas.)


9. Claude Henry Linton Lamont 1881-1954
Born: 30 December 1880 (Latrobe, Tas.) – June 1954 (Launceston, Tas.)
Buried: Carr Villa Cemetery, Launceston
Married 29 February 1908 at Georgetown, Tasmania
Spouse: Harriett Leah Birkett 5 Dec 1882 Georgetown, Tas. - 22 May 1973
(Thornbury, Victoria.) Separated.
Daughter of William and Harriet Birkett
Residences for Claude Linton Henry Lamont
Electoral Rolls 1914, 1919 and 1922 he is at Georgetown Tas with Harriet. From 1928 to 1954 he has various addresses in Tasmania living alone and working as a road contractor. Last address in Tasmania is Turner’s Marsh.
In 1943, he is in Victoria with his son Ivan at Kinglake West
In 1949 he is a Pearcedale, Vic. with his son Melville (farmer) and daughter Sylvia (Home duties).
In 1954, he is in Queensland at Eversleigh Road, Redcliffe with his son Melville (farmer)

Death - In: Examiner Launceston, Tas. Wednesday 9 June 1954 p. 18 - Family Notices
LAMONT. -On, June 4, 1954 at the Launceston General Hospital, Claude Henry Linton, late of Turners Marsh. Aged 72 years. The funeral of the late Mr. Claude Henry Linton Lamont will leave our Funeral Chapel, 16 Bris bane St., Launceston, at 2 p.m. today (Wednesday), for the Carr Villa Cemetery. ---C. T. Finney & Sons, A.F.D.A. 16 Brisbane St.,

Children: Melville John Lamont 1909 Tas. -WA
Farmer. Moved to Victoria (Pearcedale) and Queensland (Redcliffe)
Served WW2
Ivan Albert Lamont 1910 (Tas.) -1961 (Oakleigh, Victoria)
Moved to Victoria
Married Kathleen Veronica ..u
Served WW2
Olga Adelaide Lamont 1914 (Tas.) -2007 (Albany, W.A)
Married Patrick Leslie Dunn
Lived Victoria and WA.
One daughter
Elinor Flora Lamont 1916 (Tas.) -2003 (Geelong, Vic.)
Married about 1934. Alfred John ‘Jack’ Collis (Jnr) 1911-1986 (Preston, Vic.)
Electoral Rolls Victoria.
1949 Darebin, Preston Whittlesea and Reservoir East
1963 -1968 Cambrian Ave, Reservoir East
1977, 1980 1 Taunton Ave, Preston
Sylvia May Lamont 23 March 1918 (Beaconsfield, Tas.) – 1990 (Malvern, Vic.)
Moved to Victoria with her brother Melville John and lived at Pearcedale.
Married Allan Hartley Goodwin, June 1949 at Church of Christ, Northcote
He served WW2. Lived in Coburg and Glen Waverley
2 children – Shirley Goodwin, Allan Bruce Goodwin


10. Alice Jesse Lamont 1884 -1884

Born 16 June 1884 (Port Sorrell, Tas.)
Died 18 June 1884 (Port Sorrell, Tas. One week old. Cause of death – Disease of the heart.
Death record (last entry on page)


11. Clement Norman Lamont 1885-1893

Born 30 October 1885 (Port Sorrell, Tas.)
Died 8 November 1893 (Port Frederick, Tas. ) aged 8 years.
Cause of death Diptheria and Paralipis


12. Unknown child. No records found to date, but 12 children noted in obituaries.

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