Sunday, February 9, 2020

Wilfred John Nibbs

Harold Alfred Eustace

George Frederick Heaton

Charles William Arthur Cox

Claude Lynton Nibbs


Frank David James Knowles
Daours Community Cemetery Extension, France

William Frederick David Nibbs

Clarence Vernon Boote

John Mongague 'Jack' Eustace - Military Medal and Bar

Thomas Milne

Charles Frederick Scougall

Kenneth Campbell Taylor-Vernon
Military Medal

Thomas Henry Nibbs

Arthur William Powe

Clement Henry Foley
Moascar Isolation Camp, Egypt

Percy Henry Roden

Lawrence William Ray

Herbert Angus McPherson

Claude Albert McPherson

Thomas Scougall

Francis Lynton Ray

Robert Victor Hedge (NZ)

Wilfred John Nibbs wounded at Gallipoli  Died of wounds 8 May 1915. Egypt
Harold Eustace wounded at Gallipoli. Died of wounds 17 September 1915. Egypt
Charles Cox and Claude Nibbs. Killed in Action 12 October 1917. Passendaele.

Front Row 2nd & 3rd from Right: Charles Wm Arthur Cox and Claude Lynton Nibbs
Not known if other family are in this photo.

Tasmanian Soldiers Football Team. Champions of the Battalion, Egypt.
'Nibbs' 5th from left back row.
Photo in Weekly Courier 1915

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