Monday, November 11, 2019

Susannah 'Susan' Nibbs 1854 - 1938

Susannah Nibbs 1854-1938

Susannah was the 6th child of Mary Ann Timoney and William Nibbs. Family and friends called her Susan.

Born: 28 December 1854 (Wesley Vale, Tas.)

Died 4 October 1938 (Devonport, Tas.) Age 83

Burial: Devonport Bluff Cemetery, Devonport DV02/0007

Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), Wednesday 5 October 1938, page 2

Late Mrs.Thomas Ray - Death has removed another old and respected resident of East Devonport in the person of Mrs. Thomas Ray, at the ripe age of 83. She was the relict of the late Mr. Thomas Ray, who died 17 years ago at the age of 76. Mrs. Ray was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends, and her kind and lovable disposition endeared her to all. She was born at Pardoe, and spent some years of her early life in the Wesley Vale district, where she was very well known. She was a devoted member of the Methodist Church all her life, and loved to attend the services, her Bible, and hymn book being her constant companions. The deceased lady reared a large family, the surviving members being Mesdames F. L. Ring and H. Hiller (Devonport), W. Gillam (Launceston), J. D. Urquhart and J. Morrow (Malvern, Vic.), and G. Stamp-Taylor (Sydney), Misses Matilda and Mabel Ray (Devonport), Messrs. Ernest (Perth, W.A.), Laurence and Frank (Devonport). There are 29 grand-children and 8 great-grandchildren. The funeral will leave her late residence, Tarleton street, East Devonport, to-morrow afternoon at 2.30 for the East Devonport Methodist Church and Bluff cemetery

Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), Friday 7 October 1938, page 2

Late Mrs. Thomas Ray The funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas Ray, of East Devonport, took place at the Bluff cemetery yesterday, her remains being laid to rest beside those of her late husband. Rev. Norman Elliott conducted services at the East Devon-port Methodist Church and at the grave-side. At the former service three of the late Mrs. Ray's favourite hymns, "Peace, Perfect Peace,"' "Jesu, Lover of My Soul" and "Abide With Me" were sung. The chief mourners were Messrs. Laurie and Frank Ray (sons); Job and Thomas Nibbs (brothers); F. L. Ring, H. Hiller, and J. D. Urquhart (sons-in-law). The carriers were Messrs. W. Peirce, C. Brown, R. Slater and J. Manix. Included in a beautiful display of floral tributes were wreaths from the East Devonport Methodist Church, East Devonport Football Club, Devonport Amateur Boxing Club, Devonport-Latrobe branch of the Returned Soldiers' League and East Devonport Methodist W.A.F.M.

Marriage: 6 July 1870 (Pardoe, East Devonport, Tas.) #599/104 LINC Name Index 876208

At the private house of Mr. Robert Ray, Pardoe, District of Port Sorrell. Susan Nibbs, age 16, Farmer’s daughter and Thomas Ray, age 24, Farmer.
Clergy: Edward Mason Nye, The Wesleyan Methodists
Witnesses: John Nibbs; Mary Wiffen

Spouse:           Thomas Burt Ray born 1801 in South Sheads, Durham, England – died 29 April, 1921 age 76. Buried Devonport Bluff Cemetery DV02/0007

Thomas was the son of Robert Ray and Mary Burt, Bounty immigrants. He had 4 brothers. When the family came to Tasmania and settled in the Pardoe district, his eldest brother George remained in England.

Will: Thomas Ray of Tarleton Street, East Devonport. Dated 20 March 1920; Proved 17 August 1921 #13410
Executors: Ernest George Ray of Perth, West. Aust., Bank Officer (son) and Mary Matilda Ray (daughter) of Devonport, Spinster

Beneficiaries: Ernest George Ray corner allotment fronting Tarleton and Thomas St. East Devonport. Susannah Ray (wife) the house and lands connected with it till her decease after which to be sold and equally divided amongst my three sons Ernest George Ray, Lawrence William and Francis Linton Ray and those of my daughters who are unmarried at the time of my wife’s decease. To my three sons as above all my carpenter’s tools to be divided amongst them, all monies in bank and otherwise I give to my wife Susannah Ray.

Residences:    1914 Ray, Thomas, Devonport East, carpenter M
with Susannah, domestic duties and daughter Olive Maude, schoolteacher

1919 Ray, Thomas, Devonport East, carpenter with Susannah, domestic duties   


Children:         1. Mary Matilda 15 Nov 1870 (Port Sorrell, Tas.)-12 Sept 1960 (Devonport, Tas.)
 Mary never married. She lived in Devonport and is buried at Devonport General Cemetery, General Section, Devonport – DV01/0922                            

2. Alice 30 October, 1871 (Northdown, Tas.) – 14 August 1942

Alice married Frederick Leckenby Ring at the Wesleyan Church, East Devonport on       31 Jan 1894 (LINC Name Index 916574). She was 22 and he was 29. Witnesses were Mary Matilda Ray and A Wigney.
He was the son of Edward Keyes Ring and Mary Livermore.

Alice died14 August 1942 at Devonport age 69 years. She is buried at Devonport Cemetery, General Section – Devonport – DV01/0921

Will: In the Last Will and Testament of Alice Ring of Devonport in Tasmania dated 19 Oct 1929: I appoint my husband Frederick Leckenby Ring of Devonport Tasmania, Engineer, and my son Arthur Clifford Ring to be Executors and Trustees. All property left to her husband and on his decease to be passed to her son. Should he predecease her, there is provision for his wife and issue (if any). If none, then there is provision for her nephews Geoffrey Laurence Ray and Hedley Laurence Morrow and others to become beneficiaries.

Alice and Frederick had two children: Ada Mary and Arthur Clifford

Ada Mary Ring was born 23 July 1895 at Devonport and died 14 April 1920 age 24 years 9 months.
She is buried at
Devonport Bluff Cemetery, DV02/0031.

Arthur Clifford was born 27 June 1898 (Devonport, Tas.)
He died 7 May 1991 (Warrnambool, Victoria).
Arthur served in the RAAF in WW2-  Service No. 58914
He married Laurietta [Rietta] Alys Ikin b. 1907 (Melbourne, Vic.) - 1984 (Warrnambool, Vic.) on the 14 Sept. 1919 at St. John’s Anglican Church, Launceston. Minister was Rev D Ross-Hewton.
Their 25th wedding anniversary was announced in the Advocate Burnie on Tues 14 Sept 1954, their address then being Yan Yean Road, Plenty, Victoria.

They had at least one child, a son Keith Clifford b 24 August 1930 at Ulverstone, Tas. (Birth notice in Tasmanian papers). In Electoral Roll 1967, a Frederick Robert Ring, driver, is living with them at Marysville.Vic.  In civilian life, Arthur worked for the Postal Dept. He began his career as a postal clerk in Tasmania before moving to Victoria where, after several appointments’ that saw them move around the state, he became Postmaster at Marysville.                              


3. Isobel 19 May 1873 (Devonport, Tas.) 2 October,1902 (Waterous Mill, West Aust.)
Isobel m Alexander John (Jack) Morrow (1874-1956) at Albany, W.A. in 1900.
She died at Waterous Mill, Near Yarloop,WA., giving birth to their third child.
                        Doris Lillian Morrow 1900-
                        Lawrence Hedley Morrow 1901 (Yarloop, W.A.) -
                        Adam Bertrand Morrow 1902-1902 (Waterous,WA.) 8 months

4. Laura Louisa 7 April 1875 (Port Sorell, Tas.) -15 March 1957 (Devonport,Tas.)
Laura married Walter Gillam (1872-1944) on 16 December 1903 at the Methodist Church, Westbury, Tasmania.
He was the son of Israel Gillam and Susannah Oakley of Westbury, Tas.
Laura and Walter lived their life  in the North of Tasmania around the Deloraine, Devonport and Launceston areas.

In 1957, Laura Louise Gillam of 27 Turton Street, Devonport died intestate and her brother and sister Francis Lynton Ray and Mabel Francis Ray, both of 19 Upper Fenton Street, Devonport were granted letters of administration for her estate.

Will dated 8 Mar 1944: Walter Gillam of Inasmuch Mission, Wellington Street, Launceston, Tas. Executors: James Close and Frederick Daniel.

After payment of all my just debts I bequeath unto my wife Laura Louisa Gillam, all that land and buildings situated thereon, and known as top house situated in Norminstone Road, Launceston, together with all monies in the Bank of Savings, St. John Street, Launceston also such furniture at present belonging to me. I further bequeath unto my sister Mrs Close of Smithton, Tasmania my house and property situated in Norminstone Road and known as the lower house of my three houses, or if sold before my death, my said sister is to receive the sum of four hundred pounds. I further bequeath to my brother Albert Gillam the middle house of the above mentioned three houses, of if sold before my death, my said brother is to receive five hundred pounds. I further direct my executors to pay my just debts and testamentary expenses., also instruct my executors to pay to my brother George Gillam of Ross, Tasmania, the sum of twenty-five pounds out of the monies standing to my credit in the Bank of Savings, St. John St. Launceston.


5. Thomas Bertram [Berhind]
Born 23 March 1877 (Port Sorrell, Tas.) - died Northam, W.A. 1904 age 27
Thomas never married.
Like a no. of his family he travelled to Western Australia, living in remote areas and becoming pioneers in their own right.
In 1903 he resided in Waterous, near Yarloop, WA working as a storeman.


6. Rosanna [Rose] 24 September, 1878 (Port Sorrell, Tas.)-1964
Rosanna married her brother-in-law Alexander John (Jack) Morrow on 13 January 1904 in Perth, W.A. after her sister Isobel died in 1902. They lived in a no. of remote rural communities in WA including Yarloop, Yilgarn, Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie before returning to the east coast and living in Victoria.
They had 9 children - 6 sons and 3 daughters.
            Linley John Morrow 1904 (Yarloop, WA) - 1966
            Thelma Morrow 1907 (Waterous Mill, WA) - 2003
            Keith Jack Morrow 1908 (WA) - 1987
            Harley Thomas Morrow 1910 (Coolgardie, WA) - 1971
            Dudley Ray Morrow 1912 (Coolgardie, WA) - 1982
            Kenneth Morrow 1916 (Glenhuntly, Vic.) -1947
            Joan Ella Morrow 1919-
            Kathleen Suzanne Morrow 1920 (East Malvern, Vic.) - 2006
            Alexander Francis Morrow 1922 (East Malvern, Vic.) - 2001

Rosanna died 28 October 1964 at Caulfield, Vic. #23436
Alexander John (Jack) Morrow died 7 January, 1956 at Malvern, Vic.

The following story is attached to a private Ancestry family tree. There is also a no. of old family photos along with private family trees for most of the children which are not visible without contacting the tree owner.

 Wheels142: private Tree] Photos and tree not visible
Photo Date:
!3 January 1904
Photo Location:
Perth Western Australia
Alexander John (Jack) Morrow and Rosannah Ray are my grandparents on my mother’s side n.b. there is some confusion in my mind as to the spelling of her name Rose Anna or Rosannah. I have chosen to use Rosannah . Alexander married his previous wife's sister after she Isobel had died giving birth to Adam Betrand Morrow who died 8 months after his birth. They were living in a place called Waterous Mill (Waterons on my mother’s birth certificate) Western Australia south of Perth which was fairly remote at the time and probably still is (part of an Alcoa mine I believe.) . Alexander was Roman Catholic and because the local priest refused or due to the distance he had to ride on horseback to come to administer the last rites to Isobel Alexander changed religion. My mother and Uncle Kenneth were bought up as a Methodist's for example. The wedding to Alexander was frowned on by Thomas Ray the bride's father. A letter showing his feelings exists within our family and I will attempt to upload it to this site. Isobel had 3 children to Jack two of which Doris and Lawrence Hedley were my mother’s step brother and sister they both lived into their 60's and70's. The third child died as described above. Rosannah had a further nine children including my mother, my six uncles and two aunts. My grandfather stated that he was a tobacconist on my mother’s birth certificate yet it is known that he worked as a navvy during the construction of the TransAustralian Railway. After this work ceased he moved his growing family back to Victoria where he commenced work for the City Of Malvern as a steam roller driver N.b. My wife’s Grandfather Herbert Anthony Winton was a councillor at that time I wonder if they met one another? On arrival from W.A. the family moved into rented premises in Hope Street Malvern before finally moving into the family home at 45 Paxton Street East Malvern . Effected by having too many children and raising them in remote areas Rosannah was known locally as the "mad woman“ The image on the side of the wedding photo is of the home of the Timber Merchants that Isobel and Roseannah 's parents were in business with.


                        7. Ella Bertha 25 August, 1880 (Port Sorrell, Tas.) - 27 March 1955                                   Parkdale,Vic.)
                        In 1913, Ella married John Duncan Urquhart( 1879-1940) in Tasmania,
                        They lived in Victoria and are both buried at Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


8. Evangeline 30 May 1882 (Port Sorrell, Tas.) - 2 August, 1924 (Devonport) She married Harold Hiller in Victoria, in 1909 and they lived in Devonport West.
Harold was born in Kent, England, 3 July 1883 and died 12 June 1971 (Brighton, Vic.)
They are both buried at Devonport Cemetery DV01/1365
There is one son: Geoffrey Lawrence Hiller. A bank clerk, he lived in Brighton,
Vic. with his wife Patricia Dorothy.


9.. Violet Hilda May 19 Feb 1884 (Port Sorrell, Tas.)-1974

            Birth registration reads Violet Elder May.

                        Electoral Rolls 1914 and 1915. Residence Burnie – school teacher.
                        No other records found.

10. Olive Maud 14 October, 1887 (Port Sorrell, Tas.)-1983

In Tasmanian City Directories:
1914, 1915, 1916 and 1917 City Directories for Tasmania
Olive M Ray, Devonport, Teacher.
1914 Electoral Roll Olive Maude Ray, Devonport, teacher
Olive Maude Ray sat teaching exams in NZ in 1917-18-19.
She married a Major George Stamp-Taylor in NZ in 1927. He was an electrical engineer, born in UK and they travelled there in 1928 and again in 1938. It was his second marriage.
They lived in Wellington NZ. About 1930 they moved to Neutral Bay NSW. In various records, their surname was hyphenated Stamp-Taylor and sometimes only Taylor. Stamp was his grandmother’s maiden name. His father was a surgeon and sister Enid a star of  stage and film.
George served in WW1 with the British Army in France.
He died in 30 May 1942 and is buried in Karori, Wellington, NZ

11. Frances Mabel 15 December, 1889 (Port Frederick, Tas.) - 1972 (Auburn, Vic.) Age 82.
A confusing search. I believe she was generally called Mabel. Her birth certificate is Frances Mabel and death record is Mabel Frances and there are records for both names particularly in Electoral Rolls. I have gone with Mabel Frances as, by the addresses, that seems most likely. She was unmarried and in her early years possibly worked as a cook/housekeeper in Melbourne.

From Electoral Rolls:

1919-1924                   40 Central Park Road, Malvern East, Vic. home duties.
1928, 1936,1937         5 Tarleton Street, Devonport, home duties with her brother Frances Lynton
1943,1949,1954          54 Upper Rooke Street, Devonport, home duties
1967, 1968, 1972        8 Royal Cres., Camberwell, Vic. home duties.

12. Ernest George 17 April, 1891 (Port Frederick, Tas.)-1955 (Williams, WA)
Married Jamsie Carruthers 29 February 1924 at Perth, WA.
In Family Notices: West Australian, Sat 5 April, 1924
RAY-CARRUTHERS- On February 29 at Perth. Ernest George, second son of Mrs Ray and the late Thomas Ray of East Devonport, Tasmania to Jamsie, Daughter of Robert Carruthers and the late Agnes Carruthers of Lake Grace

From Electoral roll and Perth Rate books-
Ernest George was a bank Clerk and Jamsie, home duties.
The family resided in Ruby Street, North Perth for many years.

The birth notice of a son was inserted in the West Australian Sat 21 Mar 1925.
RAY (nee Jamsie Carruthers) On March 18, 1925, to Mr and Mrs WE G Ray, 30 Ruby Street, North Perth – a son. Both well.
From Ancestry family trees:
Children :John Carruthers Ray and a daughter (name not available)
            John Carruthers served in WW2. He married Winifred Fay Norma ?
at Dallwalinu, WA in 1949. He was a farmer and they resided in that area.
No further information has been found on the daughter.

13. Laurence William 8 August, 1893 (Port Frederick, Tas.)-1973
There are variations on the spelling of his name on some documents -
 Laurance, Lawrence
He served in WW1 in the 40th Battalion as a Private. Service No. 255.
Leaving Hobart on the Berrima in 1916, he saw action in France where he was wounded and gassed and sent to England for recovery. He apparently lost all his hair at this time and it never grew back.
He died 19 December, 1973 age 80.
Buried at Mersey Vale Lawn Cemetery, Lawn 1, Devonport DV09/0028

Laurence married Myra May Medlin 
She died 29 July 1970 and is buried at Mersey Vale Lawn Cemetery.

They had two children
            Geoffrey Thomas 1923-1977. Buried at Mersey Vale Lawn Cemetery

Electoral Rolls:
1928 – Laurance William, Devonport East, baker with Myra May
1928 – Laurence William, 91 Galvin St. Launceston E, painter with Myra May
1936 - Laurence William, 5 Esplanade, E. Devonport, painter with Myra May
1937 - Laurence William, 5 Esplanade East Devonport  painter with Myra May
1949 - 43 Wright Street, Devonport, painter with Myra May
1954 - 43 Wright Street, Devonport, painter with Myra May and Geoffrey Thomas, clerk

14. Francis [Frank] Lynton 11 November,1894 (Port Frederick, Tas.) – 1989 age 95

Frank joined the Australian Imperial Force WW1 in October 1915. He had previously belonged to the Tasmanian Militia A Coy 93rd. He served In France with the 23 Howitzer Brigade, 108 Howitzer Battery as a gunner. His rank was Saddler Sgt.
(Frank was a saddler by trade). He returned to Australia on the Mahia 17 July 1919 and demobilised on 26 September, 1919. Service no. 22096

Frank was active in the Devonport community with an interest in Amateur Boxing, Football and the Devonport New Year’s Day Carnival.


In Wheels 142 Ancestry Family Tree - Photos and tree not visible without permission of tree owner.

Photo Date:
January 1983
Photo         Location:
Devonport Tasmania
This image was taken outside Franks home in Tarleton Street during a family holiday to Tasmania. Amanda, Deanne and Helen met Frank for the 1st time and were most amused when learning that we were travelling to Launceston that day Frank suggested we should follow the Finger Posts all the way. Frank had inherited the house after his sister Laura passed away. I could remember visiting her there on my first to Tasmania in 1952 she was a widow. Her sisters Mary Matilda and Violet were still living in the family home (I think the street name was Rooke street) which was no more than 100 yards away. Frank showed us many artefacts at Tarleton street -family heirlooms, letters, photos etc. The letters included some written in copperplate French by folk who had billeted Frank during WW1. He hinted that they actually were from girlfriends. There were many photos taken from the World War as well as many family images.


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