Monday, November 11, 2019

Job Linton Nibbs 1857-1941

Job Linton (Lynton) Nibbs: 13 October, 1857 – 29 November 1941


Job was the son of William David Nibbs and Mary Ann Timoney (Tumney).

His father was a convict, transported to Australia in 1831 for participating in the Swing Riots in Buckinghamshire, England. His mother was born in Co. Tyrone, Ireland. She was also a convict – Transported from Dublin in 1843 on the ship ‘East London’.  She served 7 years for stealing a coat.


Job Linton Nibbs carries the first name of his paternal grandfather (Job) and his grandmother’s maiden name (Linton) both of Little Marlow, Bucks. England. On most Tasmanian records his middle name is spelt with a ‘y’ Lynton.


He was born at Port Sorrell, Tasmania and died in Devonport, Tasmania at the age of 84.

His Obituary appears in the Examiner (Launceston, Tas.) Monday 8 December 1941.  There was a large attendance at the funeral of Mr. Job Lynton Nibbs of Devonport, which took place at the Wesley Vale Methodist Cemetery. Rev. S E Dorman performed the burial service. The carriers were Messrs F Collins, L. Chettle, W. Poulter and J Jarman. Chief mourners were Messrs. Gordon, Leslie and Cyril Nibbs (sons), H Roberts and T Milne (sons-in-law), A Richards (Brother-in-law) and Eric and Cyril Milne (grandsons). Included in a large number of floral tributes were wreaths from Rev and Mrs Dorman, Messrs. Clements and Marshal, the Churcher family, the Baptist Churches of Devonport and Spreyton and Nurse Wright. The late Mr Nibbs who was 84 at the time of his death, was a staunch member of the Baptist Church and for many years an office holder. He was predeceased by a daughter who died in infancy and two sons, Claude and William who served in the Great War, the former being killed in action. He is survived by his widow, three sons, and four daughter – Mrs T. Milne (Burnie,) Mrs H Roberts (Burnie), Mrs R Barnes (Spreyton) and Miss Gladys Nibbs (Devonport). A brother Mr. T Nibbs lives in Melbourne.


In November 1919 he was the Manager of the Harford Estate near Port Sorrell, Tas.

The Australian Electoral rolls of 1922, (living at Northdown, Tas.) and 1928 (living in Devonport, Tas.) describe his occupation as labourer.

In 1936 Electoral Roll, he was living at Havelock St, Devonport West with his children Gladys Aimee (Annie) May and Hedley Cyril and his wife Mary Elizabeth.


Spouse 1:             Emma Cannon 27 Nov 1867 - ?


Children:              William 3 March 1885 (Hobart, Tas.) – 13 May 1885 (Launceston, Tas.)

                                Probably named after Job’s father.

William’s birth certificate names his mother as Emma Nibbs and father as Job Nibbs

Job and Emma were probably not married (no record found). Later, Emma married a John Wilkinson (25 Dec 1886 - Port Sorrell, Tas.) That certificate describes her as Emma Cannon, Spinster.

Death Certificate: 1885 Deaths in the District of Launceston

13 May 1885 - William Nibbs – Male - 10 months – Laborers child – Teething

Informant: Thomas Woolow, Undertaker, Launceston. 26 May 1885


Spouse 2:             Mary Elizabeth Cox 6 Sept. 1868 (Port Sorrell, Tas.) –17 March 1964 (Devonport, Tas.)

Daughter of David Absalom Alexander Cox and Martha Eustace


Marriage:            28 December 1887 (Sheffield, Tas.) at the residence of David Cox.

Clergy: H W Archer, The Baptist Church.

                                Witnesses: Joseph Warriner; Phoebe Louisa Cox

Golden Wedding:  Reported in Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) 16 Feb 1938. Mr and Mrs J L Nibbs, Devonport – Recent celebration on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. Guests included family and friends, among them, Mrs Pat Ivory of Latrobe who was bridesmaid at the ceremony 50 years ago.


Children:              Esther Maude    12 April 1889 (Sheffield Tas.) – 6 March 1973 (Tasmania)

Rubina Ellen 16 Sept 1891 (Sheffield, Tas.) – 10 October 1891

William Frederick David 10 Sept 1892 (Sheffield, Tas.) – 7 Nov. 1921 (Tasmania).

Claud Lynton 24 March 1895 (Sheffield, Tas.) -12 October 1917 (Belgium-WW1)

Charles Percy Gordon 31 August 1897 (Sheffield, Tas.) - 13 July 1961 (Devonport, Tas.)

Gladys Annie (Aimee) May 29 April 1900 (Sheffield, Tas.) 20 Jan 1968 (Tas.)

Winifred Myrtle 1 October 1902 (Sheffield, Tas.) – 1996

Job Leslie Laurence 24 March 1905 - 17 March 1973

Pearl Elsie Eileen 1 Oct 1907 (West Kentish, Tas.) - 2 August, 1993 (Launceston, Tas.) Hedley Cyril 29 January 1910 (West Kentish, Tas.) – Sept. 1997 (Devonport, Tas.)


Mary Elizabeth Cox’s siblings were: Phoebe Louise, Hester (Esther Ann), Robert David, Maria Ellen, Martha, Annie Emma, Frederick Ernest and Charles William Arthur Cox. We see many of these names carried down to the next generation.



Notes on children of Job Linton Nibbs 1857-1941 and Mary Elizabeth Cox  



1. Esther Maude (Maud) Nibbs           

                                12 April 1889 (Sheffield Tas.) – 6 March 1973 (Latrobe, Tas.)


Spouse:                Thomas Milne (Lance Corporal) 19 April 1881 (Deloraine, Tas.)-1945

                                Son of William Milne and Janet Scott, late of Paradise, Sheffield, Tas.


Thomas Milne Served in WW1 in France as a driver. He enlisted at Claremont, Tas. on the 26 April 1916 and embarked with the 40th Bn. on the ‘Berrima’ 3rd August 1916. He was transferred to the 49th Bn. 30 December 1916 – appointed Lance Corporal Driver 15/2/1919. He returned to Australian in June 1919 and was demobilised 26 September 1919.



Marriage:            5 November 1919 (Port Sorrell, Tas.)

                                Best Man: Walter Milne brother of the groom.

                                Bridesmaid: Gladys Nibbs sister of the bride.

                                Reported in the Daily Telegraph, Launceston Monday 10 November 1919

                                Wedding at the farm house of Harford Estate near Port Sorrell ...eldest daughter of                           Mr J L Nibbs manager of the estate.

                                They made their home at Burnie, Tas.


Children:              William Thomas 1919-1942

                                Eric Claude 1920-1991

                                Cyril Linton 1923-1976

                                Janet Mary


                                In the Advocate, Burnie. Tues 22 February, 1949. Janet Mary only daughter of Mrs                             Milne of Devonport and the late Mr T Milne married George William second son of                        Mr and Mrs J R Burrows of Latrobe, at the Baptist Church, Devonport. Cousins of the                              bride, Charlie Nibbs and Miss June Nibbs took part in the service. Ushers were Messrs                 E and C Nibbs. Best man wast he grooms brother Donald Burrows.


Electoral Rolls    1914 – Esther Maude Nibbs, Living at Northdown (Latrobe, Tas.) with her parents.                             Domestic duties

1919 – Esther Maud Nibbs, Living at Sheffield (District of Wilmot, sub district of Kentish, Tas.) home duties

1919 – Supplemental roll – Esther Maude Nibbs living at Sheffield (District of Wilmot, sub district of Evandale, Tas.)

1922, 1928, 1936, 1937 –Esther Maude home duties and Thomas Milne, labourer, Burnie, Tas.

1943 – Mooreville Road, Burnie (Esther, Thomas and Eric Claude)

1944 – Living at 34 Wenvoe St [Devonport] (Eric Claud – Boilermaker, Esther home duties, Thomas – Labourer)




2. Rubina Ellen Nibbs

                                16 Sept 1891 (Sheffield, Tas.) – 10 October 1891(Sheffield, Tas.)

                                Death certificate records death as a result of whooping cough age 3 weeks and 3 days.


Note: The name Rubina is still carried in my family as the middle name of the eldest daughter. e.g. My mother – Elvie Rubina, my sister – Beverley Rubina, her daughter, Michelle Rubina, etc.)



3. William Frederick David Nibbs

10 Sept 1892 (Sheffield, Tas.) – 7 Nov. 1921 (Launceston, Tas.)


William Frederick David Nibbs joined The Australian Imperial Force at Claremont, Tas. on 4 March 1916 age 23 years and 5 months and embarked Hobart 1 July 1916 on board’ HMAT Berrima” with the 40th Infantry Battalion.

He was wounded 25 December 1916 at Armentieres (France) with a severe gunshot wound to the arm and was invalided to England before his return to Tasmania and discharged 13 February 1918. He never recovered from his wounds and died 7 November 1921 at Margaret Street, Launceston. He was buried in the Wesley Vale Cemetery, Tasmania and his name is on the Latrobe Memorial Wall, Latrobe, Devonport. – LT12/000111/11/2019

His war service records which include a description of him, are available online – Australian Archives. AIF Service No.245.

A note on his war records states – widow remarried. Mrs Frank Bachelor, Huon Rd, Sandfly, via Hobart and their son was living with her.


Electoral Rolls:   1914 shows his occupation as labourer and residence at West Kentish -

                                1922 his occupation is lift driver, residence 10 Irvine St, North Launceston


Spouse:                Alma Dorcas Drewitt 4 Aug 1899- 28 May 1960


Marriage:            13 January 1920 (Launceston, Tas.) – Newspaper article.


Children:              Ronald Frederick 28 October 1920 – 16 September 1989                               

Ron Served in WW2 (Service No. TX8235) and was a Prisoner of War in Singapore. There is a memorial plaque in the Hobart War Cemetery at Cornelian Bay.

He married Dorothy Joan Lucas (Eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs R Lucas of Sandfly, Tas.) on 19 June 1946 at Holy Trinity Church, Hobart.

Maid of honour was Mrs J Jones (Aunt of the bride) -  Best man was Mr. A Batchelor.

They lived in Hobart and had two sons -

                                                Ronald John 30 March 1947 (Hobart, Tas.) - 9 Dec 1978 (Eganstown,Vic.)

                Paul Anthony 10 Oct 1955 -31 Mar 1989

Electoral Roll: 1954 Ronald Frederick, 175 Oldaker St Devonport, tailor, with Dorothy Jean, home duties.



4. Claud Lynton Nibbs

                                24 March 1895 (Sheffield, Tas.) -12 October 1917 (Killed in action, Belgium-WW1).


Claud enlisted in the Army on 4 April 1916 at Claremont, Tas.  - Just before his 21st birthday. He enlisted as a Private in the 40th Battalion, C Company. His unit embarked from Hobart on board HMAT Berrima on 1 July 1916. He was wounded in action 7 June 1917 but re-joined his unit from hospital as a Lance-Corporal on 22 June 1917. He was killed in action on 12th October 1917, age 22. There is no known grave but there is a memorial Panel (#25) on the Menin Gate Memorial at Ypres, Belgium – the scene of some of the fiercest fighting of the war.

His War Service records are available online (Nation Archives of Aust.)  AIF Service No. 574 and his name is also on the Latrobe War Memorial – Latrobe, Devonport, Tas.

Public notice:

 Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) Tues 12 October 1920 p. 2

NIBBS – In sad and loving remembrance of our dear son and brother Lance Corporal Claude Lynton Nibbs, who gave his life at Passchendaele Ridge, October 12, 1917.

“Until the day breaks and the shadows clear away” –Inserted by his loving father, mother, sisters and brothers, Port Sorrell, Burnie, and Launceston


Family military connections WW1: His brother Pte Wm Frederick David Nibbs 40th Bn, was wounded in action and returned to Australia in 1917, His Cousin Corporal Frank David James Knowles, Anzac Provost Corps died of wounds, 24 Aug 1918; His Uncle Sergeant Charles William Arthur Cox, 40th Bn, killed in action, also on 12 October, 1917 - Claude was in his Platoon.



5. Charles Percy Gordon Nibbs (Gordon)

                                31 August 1897 (Sheffield, Tas.) - 13 July 1961 (Devonport, Tas.) Age 63


Spouse:                Linda Corrie Sherriff [Corrie]

                24 April 1904 (Deloraine, Tas.) - 4 June 1968 (Devonport, Tas.) Age 64

                                Eldest daughter of Edward and Linda Sherriff of West Kentish

                                Corrie had a brother Alan who was a policeman in Launceston and another brother                           (Edward Keith?) lived in Melbourne.


Marriage:            7 September 1929 (Baptist Tabernacle, Deloraine, Tas.)

First Bridesmaid - Lorna Sherriff; Best man - Leslie Nibbs

(Reported in: Advocate, Burnie Thurs 12 Sept, 1929)


Children:              Edward Claude (Teddy) 1931 -

Charles Gordon 17 March 1932 -27 October 1985

David Roy 15 April 1933 – 5 October 1988

                                Sydney John 11 December 1934 – 17 July 1993
In Feb 1929, Pastor Nibbs was welcomed to the Baptist Church in Smithton. He had previously been at Preolenna (Examiner, Thurs 28 Feb 1929).
In Sept 1929, the congregation welcomed his wife to the manse and presented them with ‘a handsome hearthrug, a case of dessert spoons and a set of tea ware’ (Examiner, Mon 23 Sept 1929).
In July 1931, he was in Devonport for 2 months receiving medical treatment; staying at the home of his parents with his wife and infant son [Edward Claude]. (Advocate, Frid 3 July 1931). He resigned from the ministry in Nov. 1931 due to ill health.
Charles Percy Gordon and Linda Corrie are buried at Devonport Cemetery, General Section DV01/0946
Electoral Rolls:   1928 – Latrobe, Wilmot Tas. occ. Minister of Religion [Preolenna, Tas.]
                                1928 Supplemental Roll – Charles Percy Gordon - Myalla, Table Cape, Tas. Occupation                      - Minister of Religion: [Smithton, Tas.]
                                1936:     Circular Head - Emmett Street, Smithton Tas., fruiterer. 
                                1943:     Circular Head - Goldie Street, Smithton, brd., etc.
                                1949:     Charles Percy Gordon, 54 Oldacre Street, Devonport. dehy., w.                                                   1954:                  Charles Percy Gordon, 54 Oldacre Street, Devonport. dehy., w.
                                                Lynda Corrie, home duties, Edward Claude, joiner, Charles Gordon, assistant
Children of Charles Percy Gordon Nibbs and Linda Corrie Sherriff:
In a letter from Aunty Rube (Annie Rubina Nibbs, 1885), dated 5 July 1963, we learnt that David Nibbs was a Baptist Minister in Georgetown, Tasmania and his mother Corrie was with him.
David Roy married Mavis Hargreaves of Yarrawonga Vic. On 14th Sept. 1964.
When Aunty Rube died suddenly in April 1964 David who was her executor and beneficiary, wrote and informed my mother (Elvie Rubina Nibbs, 1916), of the news.
In his Will David Roy Nibbs’ beneficiary was his wife Ethel Mavis Nibbs. Others mentioned are his brother Edward Claude Nibbs and brother-in-law Allan George Hargreaves (Trustees) and his mother.
Edward (Ted) Claude also became a Baptist minister in Tasmania. On the Baptist Churches of Tasmania website in April 2009, he was listed as retired.   
In the Last Will and Testament of Charles Gordon Nibbs (1932-1985), 2 James St., Devonport. (Company Director - His Nibs Pty. Ltd.) Beneficiaries were his wife Elaine Margaret Nibbs, and children Jacquelyn Maree Nibbs and son Richard Grant Nibbs.



6. Gladys Annie (Aimee) May Nibbs 29 April 1900 (Sheffield, Tas.) - 20 Jan 1968 (Tas.) Car accident.




Electoral rolls:    1922 Gladys Annie May, Northdown, h.d. with her parents Job and Mary E
                                1928 Gladys Aimee May, Havelock St. Dev. West Home dut. - With her parents
                                1936: 1937: Gladys Aimee May, Havelock St. Devonport West. h.d. with her parents                          and brother Hedley Cyril
                                1943: Gladys Aimee May, 34 Wenvoe St. Dev. W., h.d with her mother Mary Eliz.               
                                1949: Gladys Aimee May, 34 Wenvoe St, Dev. W h.d., with her mother Mary Elizabeth.
                                1954: Gladys Aimee May, 34 Wenvoe Street, Devonport West, home duties - with her                      mother Mary Elizabeth h.d., her brother Job Leslie Lawrence - teacher and his wife                            Mary Lillian, h.d.
Jan 1968: My mother. Elvie Rubina, received a card from Maud (Esther Maude) 8 Argyle St. Upper Burnie with a newspaper cutting. Gladys Annie May Nibbs was killed in an accident on 20 January 1968. The car was driven by her bother Les. (Job Leslies Lawrence Nibbs) Mary – his wife, Maud – his sister, and a friend were also in the car. They were returning home after a trip to Waratah in very bad weather. Maud’s two sisters Win and Pearl came and looked after Maud following the accident.


7. Winifred Myrtle Nibbs

                                1 October 1902 (Sheffield, Tas.) – 1996?


                                In: Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas.) Sat 23 December 1922. Meander - A                                            presentation was made to Miss W Nibbs who is leaving here. She has been junior                               teacher here for twelve months and during that time Miss Nibbs made many friends                   and was well liked by everyone she knew. On behalf of the children, Mr Parsons (head                           teacher) presented Miss Nibbs with a glove and handkerchief case, also a beautiful                           writing case.


Spouse:                Hamlet Edward Roberts 16 February 1907 - 9 October 1983 (Buried at Burnie General                     Lawn Cemetery 12 Dec 1983.  Headstone inscription reads: Sp. Win – Chn. Jennifer-                     gchn.  Not named. BU05/23025
                                [Probably the son of Hamlet Edward Roberts of Tyenna and Fitzgerald (Electoral Rolls                       and Aust. Cemetery Index.)]
Marriage:            8 October 1938
Children:              Jennifer Fay 26 April 1940 -
                                Birth: No record found but name on father’s headstone and other secondary records.
                                Also in,
                                Public notices, Advocate (Burnie Tas.) Sat 27 April 1940 – To Mr and Mrs H                                            Roberts of Cunningham St., Burnie, a daughter.
                                Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) Wed 6 Nov 1940 Social Gossip - Mr and Mrs H Roberts and                            small daughter Jennifer of Cunningham St, Burnie are holidaying with relatives at                          Hobart and Fitzgerald.
                                Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) 22 Dec 1953 Music: art of speech pass list. First Grade,                                    honours – Jennifer Fay Roberts (Convent, Burnie)
                                Electoral Roll: 1968 Jennifer Fay Dell, 167 Opossum Rd., teacher and Michael Henry                          Dell, panel beater.
In the Will of Hamlet Edward Roberts of 3 Cunningham St, Burnie, Tas.  - Jan 1976, beneficiaries were his wife, Winifred and his daughter Mrs Jennifer Fay Dell.
Electoral rolls:   
                                1928: Winifred Myrtle Nibbs, George Street, Ulverstone, teacher
                                1936: Winifred Myrtle, 153 Main Road, Moonah, teacher
                                1937: Winifred Myrtle, 8 Albert Road, Moonah, teacher
                                1949: Subdivision of Emu Bay – Roberts, Winifred Myrtle, 3 Cunningham St., Burnie,                         home duties with Hamlet Edward, fitter.



8. Job Leslie Laurence [Les] Nibbs    

                                                24 Mar or 24 May 1905 (Sheffield, Tas.) – 17 Oct 1998 Age 93.

                                                Buried at Henty, NSW.  Lawn section, Row HE, Plot 14


Spouse:                                Mary Lillian Vaudeau 1902-1973

                                                Daughter of Henry Alexander Vaudeau and Lillian Anna Dowling.

                                                In: Examiner (Launceston) 13 April 1950 (Trove) -Obituary H A Vaudeau, Govt.                                     Inspector of Mines died at his daughters home South Rianna.                     


Marriage:                            19 May 1933   


Children:              Basil Leslie          )

                                Leslie Robert      ) to be validated.

                                Lillian Mary         )             

                                Ruth Elizabeth   )

                                Flora Annie         )


No marriage or birth records found. They may be in the Baptist Church registers. Names were discovered in newspaper articles, and various other sources.


Australian electoral rolls show his occupation as School teacher.

In 1928, he was at South Nietta, Tas.

1931 Lower Beulah.

1936 and 1937, he and Mary were at Elliot, Tas.

1943, they were at Irishtown, Tas.

1949 at South Rianna, Tas.

1954: James Leslie Lawrence, 34 Wenvoe St, Devonport West - Teacher. With his sister Gladys Aimee (Annie) May – home duties, his mother Mary Elizabeth h.d and wife, Mary Lillian h.d.
In the Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) 24 December 1941 at the Elliott School breakup Mr and Mrs Nibbs and their three daughters received a presentation from the community
In the Examiner, (Launceston, Tas.) 19 Nov 1949 the South Rianna Calf Club postponed its 1949 show due to the indifferent health of the headmaster Mr. J. L Nibbs)
In: Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) 16 November 1945. Smithton music examinations: Ruth Elizabeth Nibbs, 80 pass with merit. Lilian Mary Nibbs, 80 Pass with honours. Along with other candidates, they were pupils of Mrs L Nibbs (F.T.C.L.)
In: The North West Post (Formby, Tas.) 14 Oct. 1910 at Paradise [near Sheffield], Nibbs family contributed songs and recitations at the Temperance meeting – Baptist Church)
Electoral roll 1954: at Bridgewater: Basil Leslie, motor mechanic, Flora Annie Kathleen, h.d. and Leslie Robert Labourer – are these his sons, dgt?
Job Leslie was always called Les. He was the driver of a car involved in an accident in 1968 that resulted in the death of his sister, Gladys.





9. Pearl Elsie Eileen Nibbs

                                1 Oct 1907 (West Kentish, Tas.) - 2 August, 1993 (Launceston, Tas.)


                                In the Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) Wed 29 1921 - Pearl Nibbs was most successful student                     in Class VI at Northdown School.
Spouse:                Earland (Erland) Robert Barnes 3 May 1907 (Roseberry, Tas.) - 3 June 1994                                           (Launceston, Tas.) Son of Alfred William Barnes and Blanch Evelyn Ogden
Marriage:            1 August 1931
Children:              Geoffrey Robert 1933 – 25 Sept 1943 at Spreyton.                                           
                                                In: Advocate (Burnie) 27 Sept 1943 Age 9 years and 10 months. Accidentally                                         drowned. Buried at Devonport General Cemetery.
                                Claude 1935-1939
                                                Trove – Advocate (Burnie, Tas. 30 May 1939. Second eldest son of Pearl and                                         Robert Barnes of Roseberry.  Passed away at Zeehan Hospital aged 4 years                                            and 3 months. Buried at Roseberry Cemetery.
                                Alan William 1938-1989
Electoral Rolls:   1928 Earland was living at Devonport West. Occupation, mechanic.         
                                1936 Subdivision of Kentish - Barnes, Erland Robert, Lower Wilmot, mechanic and                                             Pearl Elsie Eileen, house duties.
                                1949 Subdivision of St. Leonards - Earland Robert, 20 Allenby Street, fitter and
                                                Pearl Elsie Eileen, home duties
                                1954 Subdivision of St. Leonards – Earland Robert, 20 Allenby Street, with
                                                Pearl Elsie Eileen, home duties and Ruby Faye Barnes, clerk typist.
Ruby Faye Barnes - what relation?


10. Hedley Cyril Nibbs

                                29 January 1910 (West Kentish, Tas.) – Sept. 1997 (Devonport, Tas.)


                                Hedley Cyril Nibbs Served in WW2. Service No. T155914. He enlisted at Penguin, Tas.


                                In the Advocate, Burnie, Tas. Wed 29 1921 - Cyril Nibbs second in Class IV at                                         Northdown School.

                                Advocate 24 April 1937 – report of car accident at the intersection of Harold and                                Forbes Streets, Devonport Car driven by Hedley involved in a collision with a motor                           cycle. Judge found both parties were negligent.


Spouse:                Thelma Douglas 14 Sept 1911 – 26 July 1973 (Burnie, Tas.)

                                Buried at Mersey Vale Lawn Cemetery. Lawn 1, Spreyton Devonport.

                                Daughter of William Douglas 1865-1949 and Sussannah (Susan) Taylor 1871-1974.


Children:              Gwenneth Marjorie b. 1933 married Maurice Leslie Viney c 1953

                                Marion b 1935 married … Smith

                                Trevor Douglas married Helen Joan …

                                Judith Christine b 194     Marriage 1. Reginald Patrick Burns, 4 children

                                                                                Marriage 2 …. Vearing

                                Barry William


Children’s names: No birth records traced, but are listed on mother’s headstone, Australian Cemetery Index. Names recorded also appear in newspaper articles found on Trove, e.g.  Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) 30 April 1945 – “Lorna Doone’s Children’s Corner.

I also found mention of a Fay Denise Nibbs in music exam results Advocate, 20 July 1941. She may be connected to this family but not enough evidence to confirm this, yet.


Electoral Rolls:   1936 and 1937: Hedley Cyril Nibbs, grocer- at his parents’ house Havelock St                                        Devonport -Thelma Jean Nibbs, at Aberdeen, home duties.
                                1943: Hedley Cyril, Sea View Ave, Burnie, manager. With Thelma Jean, home duties
                                1949: Hedley Cyril, Spreyton Road, Devonport, salesman with Thelma Jean, home dut.
                                1954: Hedley Cyril, Lewis St, Latrobe, grocery asst. with Thelma Jean, home duties.
                                1972: Hedley Cyril, 42 Lewis St, Latobe, grocery asst. with Thelma Jean, home duties                         and Barry William, timber racker.
                                1972: Nibbs, Trevor Douglas and Helen Joan, home duties, 15 Kiah Pl., Pardoe                                     Downs, E. Devonport




Australian Birth Index 1788-1922

Australian Electoral Rolls (various)

Tasmanian Archives (LINC) (various databases)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

Australian Archives

Australian Cemetery Index 1808-2007

Gravesites Tasmania

Tombstones and Memorial Inscriptions of Tasmania, Genealogy Soc. Of Tasmania, 2nd ed., 1999.

Digger - Tasmanian Federation Index.

Digger – Tasmanian Pioneer Index 1803-1899

Trove (National Library of Aust.)

Private Family records and papers

Ancestry family trees

Family Search Pedigree files. Church of Latter day Saints

My Heritage / Geni Family trees

North Down - being an account of Sam Thomas and his neighbours and their part in the development of Port Sorell, Latrobe and Devonport by Harold Thomas. Northdown, Tasmania : 1972.

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